Special thanks to Greg Olson for writing an article about us in the Jacksonville Journal Courier.

Journal Courier – 09/04/2018

Page: A001


ROODHOUSE — Nestled in the hills and valleys of Greene County is a new outdoor classroom.

Living in the middle of that outdoor classroom are Drew and Laura Dukett, who have started Doe Run Education Works, a not-for-profit nature learning center.

“I have always been an outdoor enthusiast,” Drew Dukett said. “My years in the military, living in all kinds of environments all over the world, caused me to appreciate all forms of flora and fauna. I just have an appreciation of nature.”

In 1993, the Duketts purchased 30 acres of timberland northwest of Roodhouse. Later that year, the Duketts explored the property with Laura’s father, James Esarey, a rural White Hall farmer, and his brother, Dwight Esarey, a district conservationist from Fairfield.

The Esarey brothers’ knowledge and enthusiasm for nature and conservation, along with Dwight Esarey’s passion to teach conservation to others, inspired the Duketts to learn more about the trees and wildlife on their property.

“Their passion and enthusiasm for nature planted the seed for us to want to share that love of the outdoors with students and members of the community,” said Laura Dukett, who taught chemistry, physics and environmental science at Winchester High School from 1995 to 2017.

“The nature center gives Drew and me the opportunity to help the community learn conservation on local trails,” Laura Dukett said. “We want to give people the chance to get up close and personal with nature. Once they understand nature, we hope that understanding will encourage the responsible use of our natural resources.”

Doe Run Education Works offers space for Scout groups to come and earn a variety of merit badges and for 4-H members to work on projects.

For example, Scouts can earn orienteering badges on the nature center’s 12-point course, which was designed by Drew Dukett and the Duketts’ son, Christopher, who is an Eagle Scout.

Scouts who earn an orienteering badge have mastered the skills of locating specific points on a topographical map and finding those points on the land. Drew Dukett said the 12-point course is in accordance with the current Boy Scout manual.

The Duketts have developed a map of the nature center that outlines 2.5 miles of trails, the location of two pollinator stations and a half-acre pond near a primitive campsite.

Activities at the nature center include observing and documenting birds, wild flowers, trees, mammals and insects and a variety of fungi.

“Since we have actively begun this process of identification of what’s on our land, we’ve been impressed with the diversity of species located here,” Laura Dukett said. “We are excited to share that with people.”

The Duketts welcome volunteers to help with trail maintenance, invasive species removal and documenting plants and animals.

The Duketts will host an open house at their nature center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 15. The facility will be open to the public by appointment after Sept. 15.

Greg Olson can be reached at 217245-6121, ext. 1224, or on Twitter @ JCNews_Greg.